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East Valley Athletes for Christ offers a variety of sports, with new programs starting up each year! EVAC offers sports for elementary, junior high, and high school students. We follow the Canyon Athletic Association's schedule, with high school sports divided into Fall, Winter, and Spring seasons. For junior high and elementary, there are four seasons starting from the beginning to the end of the school year.


cross country and Track

High School Cross Country (Boys and Girls) - Fall

High School Track and Field (Boys and Girls) - Spring

Junior High Track and Field (Boys and Girls) -  Season 4

start a sport with EVAC

EVAC has processes, proceedures, and requirements before a new sport can be started. One of the most important things it takes is volunteers who are passionate about starting that sport. If you are interested in helping EVAC start a sport - let us know by submitting a form on the contact us page 

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