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programs offered

Junior High Boys | High School Boys


High school teams are targeted for high school students in grades 9-12.  Students must be 18 years or younger as of August 31. Junior High teams are targeted for junior high students grades 6-8.  Junior High students can not be 15 before September 1. 5th grade athletes are allowed in some circumstances. Team size and players on the roster will be determined by the coaches.  

Season dates

The junior high season takes place in the fall and and high school during spring.  See specific program for exact dates. Generally speaking, Junior High will have clinics and tryouts mid to late July with games starting in mid-August and playoffs the first week of October. High school allows for practices to start around the first week of February with the first games starting toward the end of February and playoffs happening the end of April through the first week or two of May.

practices And Time Commitement

Practice locations will vary depending on field availability.  Past practice locations have been in South Chandler, Gilbert, and east Mesa.  Practice duration will vary based on age/team. No practice on Wednesdays or Sundays. Once the season starts, JH teams will have no more than three to four combined games or practices per week and high school no more than four to five per week.


All athletes MUST complete EVAC 2024-2025 Registration prior to tryouts.


High School: Click on a specific program for info.

Junior High:  Click on a specific program for info.

Generally speaking, Junior High Tryouts are a one-day tryout toward the middle or end of July. High School Tryouts are sometimes in January. Be sure to subscribe to the email updates to know when tryouts for each season are happening.


Most clinics and tryouts take place in the weeks/month leading up to season start.


All coaches are volunteers, certified, and meet CAA coaching standards. If you are interested in coaching please contact the Athletic Director.


For questions about the boys program you may contact the EVAC athletic director Jason Fender at

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