Like most interscholastic athletic teams, EVAC has eligibility requirements. Below are our current eligibility guidelines to help you understand if your student-athlete can become an EVAC Eagle.
EVAC is an intentionally Christian organization. Our mission, vision, and core values are rooted in our Statement of Faith. As of June 1, 2024, new families must read and agree to the Statement of Faith. It's crucial not only because we're a Christian organization, but also because it guides our leadership, operations, and community. Agreeing to the Statement of Faith means the athlete's family has read it, understands it, and lives by a Christian faith that aligns with it.
To hold a leadership role at EVAC, you must agree to the Statement of Faith and complete an application and interview process. An additional process is required for anyone in authority over the children within EVAC. This is essential for advancing our mission to "encourage the hearts and minds of the participating youth in the love and likeness of Christ."
Leadership roles include any position of authority or influence in an EVAC student's life, such as coaching, assistant coaching, board membership, "Team Mom" or "Team Parent" leader, hosting EVAC events or official EVAC team parties, leading devotions and prayer, speaking at EVAC events, and more.
NOTE - households who were part of EVAC before June 1, 2024, are not required to read and agree to the Statement of Faith. However, they must still read and acknowledge that the organization's leadership is guided by the Statement of Faith, Mission, Vision, and Core Values. These principles will be intentionally integrated into all aspects of our organization.
High school players must not be 19 years old on or before September 1st, for the season of play. Junior high players (5th – 8th grade) cannot be 15 before September 1st, for the season of play. Elementary school players must be 4th-6th grade.
EVAC is a sports association for homeschooled students.
According to Arizona Revised Statute (ARS) 15-802, homeschool students are defined as those who:
Attend nonpublic schools conducted by parents, guardians, or custodians.
Receive nonpublic instruction at home.
Dual-enrollment in college or technical programs does not affect EVAC eligibility.
Virtual charter school students are not eligible.
Hybrid private school students, who attend both on campus and at home part-time, are also not eligible.
ESA (Empowerment Scholarship Account) contract students who are homeschooled are eligible for EVAC participation.
EVAC does not assist with ESA reimbursement.
Parents must be able to submit an Arizona homeschool affidavit or ESA contract upon request.
If requested, parents must be prepared to verify the student-athlete is passing current classes and submit a current schedule of classes or course of study.
EVAC fees are determined by team size, CAA league fees, and uniform/equipment costs. EVAC is a 501(c)(3) and does not seek to profit off of team fees. Fees are due when the athlete is rostered on a team, and participation in games is contingent upon payment. Estimated fees are posted on individual sports pages. Fees are due for every team your athlete is rostered on. Uniform and tournament costs over and above the team fee could be applicable.
Regarding ESA (Empowerment Scholarship Account), EVAC is not an ESA vendor. Currently, EVAC does not provide documentation to assist in the ESA reimbursement process, such as the state attestation form.