getting started
how to join evac
Joining EVAC involves several steps. Below are the typical steps families take as they join.
CHECK ELIGIBILITY: Review the eligibility requirements and ensure your student and family are eligible for participation.
SIGN UP FOR EMAILS: If eligible, sign up for email updates using the form at the bottom of this page. It ensures you're notified whenever EVAC holds a clinic, camp, or tryout for a specific sport.
BEGIN REGISTRATION: Registration is a big first step. This lets us know you are interested and helps you get your ducks in a row for an upcoming season. Registration for all teams is handled on another site called Game Source. Please visit our REGISTRATION page to get started.
ATTEND A CLINIC: Our clinics and camps help us gauge interest in specific sports at EVAC. Attending these lets you meet coaches, ask questions, and connect with existing EVAC families. Note: Not all sports have clinics. Many new EVAC families skip this step and proceed directly to preparing for tryouts.
PREPARE FOR TRYOUTS: Preparing for tryouts extends beyond honing your student's skills and athleticism. It involves ensuring they have a sports physical, completing registration, and completing an online concussion course (once for junior high and once for high school).
TRYOUT: Once the above steps are completed, your student can attend a tryout! Most tryouts span two days, with decisions on team selection communicated within a week of those dates. All tryout details (date, time, location) will be communicated via our email updates. Make sure to sign up using the form below. Note: At this stage, basketball and volleyball are the only sports that make cuts. All other sports roster any player who attends tryouts, though this may change based on registration and attendance numbers.
DOWNLOAD THE EVAC APP: The East Valley Athletes for Christ App: Stay informed, get engaged, and make the most out of your EVAC experience! This app serves as your one-stop hub for all things EVAC. Stay updated on games and events, chat with your teams, and connect with the wider EVAC community. Access schedules, team chats, photos, the team shop, announcements, e-blasts, and more—all in one convenient place!
sign up for email updates
Complete the form below to sign up for email updates from EVAC
download the evac app!
The East Valley Athletes for Christ App: Stay informed, get engaged, and make the most out of your EVAC experience!
This app serves as your one-stop hub for all things EVAC. Stay updated on games and events, chat with your teams, and connect with the wider EVAC community. Access schedules, team chats, photos, the team shop, announcements, e-blasts, and more—all in one convenient place!