EVAC Open Gym Basketball (JH & HS)
Who: JH and HS Girls and Boys Basketball players
What: Basketball open gym times available for this summer open to JH and HS girls and boys. There is a one-time cost associated for everyone who participates, whether it be one time or all of the sessions. Basketball coaches or parents are encouraged to attend and help out. Please follow the times allocated for your group, not arriving early or staying later, to allow for all groups to have their specified time to play.
Where: AAG (Legacy Fieldhouse) - Court #'s will be provided to coaches
When: Mondays and Thursdays in July - July1, 8th, 15th, 18th, 22nd, 25th, and 29th
• JH Girls - 5:00-6:30pm (last 30 minutes are shared with JH Boys) Court A
• HS Girls - 5:00-7:00pm Court B
• JH Boys - 6:00-7:30pm (first 30 minutes are shared with JH Girls) Court A
• HS Boys - 7:00-9:00pm (first 30 minutes on Court B only, Court A/B after
Questions? Contact Brent Frazey (Girls BB Coordinator) - bfrazey1@gmail.com